MOTHER OF WATER 水中的母親 2017

Jellyfish is an organic life form in the ocean. It is lithe, it swims beautifully, it is adorable, it is the marine angel! Chinese calls it “Mother in the Water”. Schools play a role, as a mother, in student leading and guidance. My works are colourful and textured as wavering patterns. A multitude of marine organisms floats in the air and dazzles at a corner of the city. This brings the audience a pleasant and positive message chanting the song of life. After reading the message, we are more aware of treasuring our ocean and coexisting species, and the environmental conscience.

In the future, students carry schoolbags made from part of this work every day. This is part of their lives. This even reminds them to cherish the Nature and everything on the Earth every moment. Be optimistic and love the life. This work is not only about beauty but also educational and inspirational.

水母是海洋裡的有機生命體,身體柔軟、泳姿美麗、人見人愛,活像海中的天使!中國人叫她「水母」: 水中的母親。學校也扮演著母親的角色,帶領及指導學生們的成長。我創作的作品,顏色豔,畫面充滿肌理,就像千變萬化的圖案,一大群海洋生物浮游於空氣之中,座落在城市的一角令人眼前一亮。帶給觀賞者喜悅、正面的訊息,頌唱著生命的讚歌,看後更令人注意珍惜我們的海洋和共生的物種,加強人們的環保意識。
