INSTANT FILM 即影即有照片 1984-1996

Before I started learning photography in Tokyo in 1982, I had already been infatuated by “instant photography.”  I took mostly self-portrait with my first instant camera Polaroid SX-70 — whenever I couldn’t find a subject, or I was bored.  Taking self-portrait became my habit.

Later on, I took self-portraits with different cameras and still with instant films, such as Hasselblad and Senna.  I was doing so because I could immediately see what I had captured without waiting for the complicated process of printing.  Moreover, the rough and imperfect texture of instant photos had a unique taste.

I had thought why I kept self-portraiting between 1982 (when I was 19) and 2012 (when I was 50 created Future and the Past): it is a process of self-awareness.  Through self-exploration, you see yourself in the photos with different ages, expressions, movements, and backgrounds.
